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I am an immersive videomaker, creative technologist and digital artist based in Turin, Italy.

In my work, I like to explore the boundaries between technology, communication and art in video and everything related to it. I am strongly interested in immersive video, I think it ha a lot of potential: discovering and exploring this new language it’s challenging for me.
Video installations are fascinating to me too, connecting visitors to operas and making sense only with people: the magical space in between can let users moving in with gestures based on natural interaction.

I graduated from University many years ago, with a final thesis about VideoArt and Social Activism (Major of Sciences of Communication). Shortly after, I started shooting and editing videos and working on video installation. Few years later, I’ve founded Motion Pixel Studio, a creative video production agency. Meanwhile, I completed my doctorate in Cultural Heritage at Politecnico di Torino, focusing my activity in renewing digital archives and video installation of some museums.

Teaching is also part of my experience: I have taught courses on video editing/post-production  and videoart /interactive video-installation. Among other places, I have taught these course at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Novara, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design, Politecnico di Torino and Scuola Holden.

Some link:

Motion Pixel Studio  –

360 VR Experience –

The Blu Box –